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Residual Priest Chantings And Little Icy Hands At Cry Baby Lane | The Holy Name Of Jesus Cathedral | Raleigh North Carolina | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

You know there is a saying which says "if you know your history, you have everything". I believe greatly in that saying.

The Holy Name Of Jesus Cathedral is located off Nazareth Street in Raleigh, North Carolina.

This Cathedral is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh.

First opened in 1898 as Nazareth Orphanage which offered shelter to both Catholic and orphan boys.

A large fire ignited in the Priests section. The Priests secured all exits to halt the fire from spreading.  Tragically there were still children inside.

The building burned to the ground. Some survived when they jumped from windows down onto mattresses. Many orphans were buried here and it is believed there is a childs burial grounds beneath the Cathedral foundations.

In 2013 the orphanage was demolished and The Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral was constructed in its place.

As we all know, a new build does not eliminate a locations past.

Staff and visitors report a wide array of inexplicable phenomena including the sounds of children playing and light anomalies floating, seemingly with cognition, (as if with directional intent) through the air.

Disembodied chantings which sound very similar to Priests reciting daily worship and full spectrum apparitions seen peering from around corners.

Could there be countless child spirits struggling to find their way, trapped at this place of worship today?

The lane which leads to the Cathedral entrance became known as Cry Baby Lane, as many visitors approaching the building would often report bizarre phenomena.

Sounds of children crying and oppressive feelings of being ‘pulled in’ like a vortex sensation.

Vehicle owners report cars doors opening and closing unaided accompanied by feeling the icy grasp of tiny hands around arms and shoulders.

Maybe these little orphan spirits are still feeling trapped.

Could they be drawing people in, to the point of pulling drivers from vehicles?

Do these children need help in order to cross over the realms?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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Bones Coffee | Boise City Ghost Hunters Paranormal Research and Investigations