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Return Of The Outlaws | High EMFs And Phantom Gunshot At The Blue Swallow Motel | Tucumcari, New Mexico | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Blue Swallow Motel is located on the Tucumcari, New Mexico, section of the historic Route 66.

This 12 unit, L shaped, motel is the longest existing motor court motel in the United States and was initially erected to house outlaws in the mid 1900s with just ten rooms and a stylish cafe.

This portion of Route 66 featured in the childrens Pixar movie ‘Cars’ and filming crew stayed at The Blue Swallow. This location has become a somewhat iconic landmark to many.

But did you know that this motel is believed haunted by multiple restless spirits?

During the 1960s the site was sold to Lilian and Floyd Redman who added the now infamous vibrant neon 'motel' sign out front and original hard wood flooring. The couple were known for their unparalleled customer care, and often offered rooms free of charge to those struggling, carrying many through the post war era.

Today guests report a whole range of paranormal phenomena.

Lilian was known for rising early in the mornings to wake guests via a gently knock on their room doors. Today visitors still hear those gentle knocking sounds each morning.

Could the spirit of Lilian still be lovingly watching over her guests today?

Others have described hearing audible unexplained male voices arguing, fighting, phantom gunshots and loud bangings.

Are we hearing the residual commotions of the past outlaws who took shelter here?

Unexplained light anomalies are continually captured on photographs and, more alarmingly, sightings of full spectrum apparitions seen walking through solid walls and doors.

Staff have reported furniture found mysteriously rearranged and paranormal investigators have recorded exceedingly high EMF (electromagnetic field) levels at this timeless location.

If you hear an unexplained knocking on your door, you may want to think twice before opening it. However, if you are comfortable with the paranormal, welcome to The Blue Swallow Motel.

Please feel free to visit our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further discussion on any of our topics, or to put forward any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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