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Roxys Ghost at Radio City Music Hall | New York | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Theatres hold a wealth of secrets, history and carry unprecedented timeless traditions.

The Radio City Music Hall in New York is internationally recognised as the worlds performance headquarters and duly nicknamed 'Showplace of the Nation'. 

This theatre was originally the luxurious Roxy Theatre, which opened in 1927, described more akin to a palace than a theatre. The venue would showcase Broadway movies and shows.

In 1960, due to financial loss, the site was demolished making way for the newer Radio City Music Hall with a smooth transition of performance acts including conductors, choreographers and even the world famous 'Rockettes' American precision dancers.

This wonderfully nostalgic art deco venue has a seating capacity of 5,960 and is often referred to as the 'beating heart of the Rockefeller Centre'.

But one thing you may not know about this theatre is that it is allegedly haunted by the ghost of Samuel Rothafel (aka Roxy).

Roxy created the lavish theatre we see today. He oversaw every constructional and architectural aspect. He was a flamboyant character, a real showman, loved all things theatre and quite fancied himself on the stage too!

It has been said by many that after Roxy passed away a few years later, the theatre never quite regained its former glory although it remains a leading New York theatre today.

Roxy was extremely popular with the local community and staff believe he loved the place so dearly that his spirit lingers here today. In fact Tour Guides will attest to witnessing his full spectrum apparition dressed in top hat and tail coat.

Roxy is often seen basking amidst the spotlight of the auditorium, usually with a glamourous lady friend in tow.

Visitors have encountered Roxy strolling along aisle D, to his favourite seat located on the first row of the third mezzanine, before vanishing into thin air.

Just remember that once the curtain rises you may not be alone and may very well experience a first hand 'spectral production'.

As always please share any experiences with us in the comment section below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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