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Her Screams Were Never Heard | Satanic Panic Cult Killings And Demonic Infestation | Freetown Fall River State Forest | Assonet, Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

If ever there was a cursed forest, this is it. Welcome to Freetown Fall River State Forest, Assonet, Massachusetts, also known as The Dark Forest.

There is something about this place which feels so dark, as if the air is infused with malevolent energy. 

This forest hosts one of the darkest historical pasts we have ever uncovered.

A never ending trail of death and tragedy.

From apparitions to poltergeists to UFO sightings which, incidentally, many believe to be Government assigned helicopters, there is not one categorized aspect of paranormal phenomena that has not touched this forest.

This 5,000 acre landscape is today owned by The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and runs between Freetown and Lakeville.

However, there are things which manifest amidst this location that one should never see. Phenomena that will chill you to the bone. Shadows which stalk the living and horrific creature like entities which hiss at those who cross their paths.

Historically, during 1930 Levi Churchill, a Berkeley resident, sold a substantial plot of land to the State. From 1935 a number of forest features and additional acreage was added. 

Yet, as pretty as the forest appeared, things were certainly far from coming up roses, but rather an endless trail of terror ensued.

In November, 1978, the body of 15 year old Mary Lou Arruda was discovered, tied to a tree, deep within the forest. Mary had been abducted two months earlier and was held here, where her screams were never heard.

The forest is known for its chilling association with the ‘Fall River Murders’ also known as ‘The River Cult Killings’. From October, 1979, to February, 1980, the forest became infested with Satanic cults and devil worshippers.

This was the onset of a period known as ‘Satanic Panic’. During this time, panicked hikers reported discovering satanic blood stained ritual alters here.  

Authorities later unearthed animals which had been mercilessly sacrificed.

So then, if these cult killers are the same individuals who abducted Mary, it really does not do good to think too long about what that child must have went through before her life was finally taken.

There have been many other further mysterious disappearances and many accounts of creepy shadow silhouettes stalking the living and creature like entities seen momentarily manifesting.

It really comes as no surprise that this location is not only the most haunted, but also the most dangerous, woodland in all of Massachusetts.

Do you really believe in mystical fairytale creatures, or are demons infesting this forest today? Rituals were held here, animal and humans were slain, surely that must have conjured something, or someone?

I know what I think, but what do you think?

Drop me a comment below and let's chat about it.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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