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Shadowy Inmates Haunt The Ellis Railroad Museum | Ellis Kansas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Ellis Railroad Museum in Ellis, Kansas, was founded in 1994 and is housed in a building which is almost one hundred years old with on site jail.

The grounds are said to be haunted by the spirit of an inmate who drowned in his cell during the 1958 floods.

Paranormal investigators have recorded some truly creepy EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) whilst in this cell and hundreds of visitors have described the unsettling clicking of chain noises emanating from the old jail cells.

Staff report frightening shadow figures who literally walk across the outside grounds during nightfall.

The museum is dedicated to preserving the history of the Union Pacific Railroad and showcases four spectacular rooms displaying artefacts, educational material and over 5000ft of working model trains.

There is even a miniature Aero Streamline locomotive you can actually ride.

Just be on the lookout for any extra unexpected ghostly passengers!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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