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Shapeshifters And Secret Government Testing Facilities | Chilling Phenomena Along Blood Alley | Route 18 | Newberg, Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Route 18 is a state highway running between Newberg, and Lincoln City, along the Oregon Coast.

This stretch is renowned for its stunning scenic views and eerily rumored to be haunted by a whole array of entities.

From 1855, pre colonization, Europeans began settling partaking in fishing and elk hunting in the surrounding Willamette Valley. The route was eventually expanded into a wagon road which opened in 1908 and utilized by military forces. 

In 1930 the Salmon River cut off was dedicated as an official State highway.

Throughout the 1990s many attractions were established nearby including Spirit Mountain Casino, a Marine Sciences Center and gaming facilities, which ushered in substantial levels of revenue and tourism.

Unfortunately, as is very often the case, along with more tourism comes increased road traffic accidents and tragically, higher fatality rates.

Hence, the stretch attained the nickname ‘Blood Alley’.

Phenomena today includes chilling unexplained cries for help heard through car and vehicle radio static and engines mysteriously starting up.

Could these be the spirits of those individuals whose lives were so viciously snatched from them along this very highway?

Are they attempting to communicate via radio frequency?

Spirits will tirelessly attempt to establish an avenue of communication in order to manifest. Very often they will utilize white noise and/or radio frequencies.

This location has been long known for whispers of ancient curses, tales of chilling encounters with mysterious shapeshifter entities seen so prevalently they are known amidst local communities as ‘the walkers’.

And until this point it was just about hauntings, and then....

It is speculated that somewhere along this route is a concealed Government testing facility.

So, is there a link between Government testing facilities and increased reports of phenomena?

Or is it all just coincidence?

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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