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Shelter For The Living Or Sanctuary For The Dead | The House Of Refuge Museum At Gilberts Bar | Hutchinson Island Stuart Florida | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The House Of Refuge At Gilberts Bar is located in Hutchinson Island in Stuart, Florida.

Hutchinson Island was named after James Hutchinson, who built what is now known as The House Of Refuge Museum At Gilberts Bar.

The original building was a plantation home which was named in honor of James Hutchinson.

The home even served as a lookout station during World War II.

In 1811 a Land Grant was passed to Hutchinson.

During 1876 the plantation home was more of a refuge offering freshly cooked hot food, shelter and warmth to sailors and troops who became stranded.

However, sadly, soon after completing the property it was mercilessly ransacked by pirates who destroyed everything.

Even though many military have sought shelter here over the years, many believe that today this location acts as a sanctuary for the dead.

Are there spirits still seeking refuge here?

Other fascinating phenomena encountered here are disembodied footsteps, mysterious light anomalies and the apparition of a man dressed in furs, just like the original furtrappers, roaming the nearby rocky shoreline.

Guests will often describe the sudden aroma of freshly baked bread, even though there is no baking on the property. However, baked bread was made fresh here during the 1800s for weary troops.

Are these the natives of the land protecting their territories in spirit?

Maybe they are making sure that their homelands never witnessed such horrors as slavery again?

Today the building is the oldest structure in Martin County and the last surviving refuge house.

The structure has been restored to resemble its originality and operates as an educational and interactive Museum and Bar open to the public.

Wherever there are said to be territorial spirits it goes without saying, show due diligence and respect at all times.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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