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Shocking Phenomena at Tommys Detroit Bar & Grill | Detroit Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

This cosy vibrant historical tavern is located in the lively downtown metro area of Detroit and was once used as an operational train station stop along the Detroit Underground rail system.

If it's great American cuisine you're after, you are in the right place.

If it's ghosts you're looking for, you're most definitely in the right place.

Welcome to Tommys Detroit Bar & Grill downtown 3rd Street. This is a truly historical landmark. During the mid 1800s the tunnels which run underneath the tavern were used to shuttle runaway slaves to nearby Canada.

In 1880 the structure was demolished and rebuilt in brick. The railroad station just across the street would bring in lots of travellers all looking to fit a quick cocktail, cigar and shoe shine in between journeys.

During World War I the train station served as a major departure point for soldiers heading to war and many soldiers would kick back and relax at the tavern before being stationed at designated bases.

During the roaring 1920s the basement was once used a secret speakeasy, with upper level Italian eatery, and was a favoured hangout for the infamous Purple Gang, Jewish and Italian mobsters who controlled the majority of Detroits illegal bootlegging operations. This is where they really 'took care of business'.

A man called Harry ran the speakeasy and he distributed secret membership cards reading 'Little Harry'. If you didn't have a card you would not be granted access.

Winding staircases, secret passageways, these places would most likely hold a tremendous amount of residual energy seeing as so many people frequented them.

Flappers, gangsters, travellers, the site has seen a high volume of impactful physical interaction with a continual flow of bustling activity. It would, therefore, seem highly plausible that this energy is responsible for the lingering residual imprint felt here today. 

There is a movie called Detroit 9000 which features a police chase scene filmed right here which reveals some great authentic shots of the original 1920s buildings.

Current owner, Tommy Burelle, says he has experienced plenty of paranormal phenomena at the tavern and explains how the venue is major hotspot for paranormal investigators and enthusiasts. He recently renovated the property and offers tours where he openly shares his paranormal encounters.

Allegedly there were plenty of bodies buried by the mobster down in the basement speakeasy.  Tommy states that a previous owner from Albania would leave garlic cloves around the property as he believed the property was used by actual blood thirsty vampires who continue to haunt the place today.

One day a little eight year old boy asked if he could have his photograph taken with the tavern ghost. Tommy laughed and kindly obliged and snapped a quick photograph of the boy standing in the tavern. However, when the photographs were developed they revealed an unexplained figure standing next to the boy who was not present at the time.

Many visitors claim they have seen full walking apparitions coming out from the old Presbyterian church just opposite across the street, dressed in full length robes, all walking towards the tavern, fading into a mist as they approach. 

The tavern was once a bell making factory and passers by often report seeing transparent arms and hands working on a bell, protruding from walls.

Could this be a residual glimpse of those bell manufacturers back in the day?

Tommy claims that often he will see things moving unaided across the bar worktop areas, feel gusts of icy cold air, and see lights turn on. The only concern is that those specific lights in question have not had a viable electrical power source for many years.

So how then do they spontaneously illuminate.

Could spirit energy somehow be effecting the electricals here?

Perhaps Tommys most frightening experience is being physically pushed, from behind, by malevolent unseen hands.

Friendly staff, relaxed sports bar atmosphere, great food and drinks, and the possibility of experiencing some first hand phenomena. 

If you feel an unwelcome presence just tell them 'Harry sent you'.

Why not grab a drink and say hello next time you are in the area. If you take any photographs which present unexplained phenomena, we would love to see them!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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