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Shy Little Molly Plays Peek-A-Boo and Graces The Stage | West Virginia University Capitol Centre | Charleston West Virginia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Paranormal reports are in such high volume in West Virginia that even Police authorities are unsure what to do. It seems Charleston may be home to more than just small town charm.

So what really lingers amidst The Mountain State once darkness falls?

The West Virginia State University Capitol Centre was erected in 1912 and was originally called the Capitol Plaza Theatre.

Today it houses old classrooms now utilised as computer labs, with the main theatrical stage being used for conferences and school performances. 

During the early 1800s the building was part of a mansion owned by Sir John Welch and his family.

It is alleged that his youngest daughter died of pneumonia leaving them heartbroken. Her name was Molly and she was known to be an extremely shy little girl. 

So when folks report seeing the apparition of a little girl playing peek-a-boo amidst the stalls and hiding on the upper balconies it would absolutely correlate with historical circumstance here.

Little Molly has also seen gracing the stage, often accompanied by multiple mysterious light anomalies, as if she is leading a sequential dance procession. It seems that the girl is happy and at ease. Many have suggested that the child is unaware of her fate.

Molly can also be playful and is believed responsible for moving dress rehearsal items around backstage.

if you sit on the front rows of the left side auditorium you could actually witness a glimpse of John Welch himself whose spirit has been seen on many occasions. But be forewarned, you may experience sudden onsets of emotion such as fear, panic, sadness and an overwhelming sense of loss.

Are these not the emotions a parent would experience whilst grieving the loss of child just like John Welch did? 

So could it be that visitors are picking up on those negative energies today?

Have you ever visited the University Capitol Centre?

Charleston is known for embracing the arts, enjoying fine cuisine and appreciating great heritage. Why not head downtown and let us know if you experience anything paranormal.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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