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Sin City Suicide | Gambling With Your Life | The Luxor Resort Casino Hotel | Las Vegas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

It has been said that ‘if you stay at The Luxor, you are gambling with your life’.

Welcome to The Luxor Resort Casino Hotel, South Boulevard, Las Vegas. One of the most iconic hotels on the Las Vegas Strip.

This is the third largest pyramid in the entire world, after two others located in Giza, Egypt.

This magnificent, Egyptian themed, ornate obsidian pyramid structure has a deep dark history filled with secrets, murder and suicide.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Even today, reports of unexplained phenomena, and confirmed suicides, continue to flood in so frequently that the venue is now nicknamed ‘The Cursed Luxor’.

It is reported that the number of incidents taking place here, are nothing less than ‘staggering’. Staff and management are hesitant and will not reveal statistical numbers, however, it seems the string of deaths is never ending.

It has been speculated that the hotels emphasis on the Egyptian Gods brought about eternal curses.

Central to the hotel is a breathtaking projectional skylight which is considered one of the brightest lights known to emit from earth when full powered.

But no matter how bright this light is, the darkness inside remains.

People feel it, a repression, a negativity. It’s just constantly there.

During construction in 1993, two workmen lost their lives. They are believed to supernaturally roam hallways.

There are multiple entities known to linger on the casino floor.

Guests often alarmingly report icy cold spots in heat controlled rooms, something grasping at their hands, and feeling breathing on their necks.

Two more deaths have been reported of individuals who jumped from the hallways to the casino floor directly below.

Some rooms are more haunted than others, again staff will not disclose details. But if you spot the rooms with bullet holes covered up on the walls, there’s your clues.

Cursed? Haunted? Or both?

What do you think?

I know what I think. I think this hotel is brimming with trapped tortured souls who now residually reside here. Sudden death is exactly that, all too fast. And sometimes those individuals deeply regret their actions, even seconds later. What can they do? Nothing. They are trapped.

Have you ever visited The Luxor Resort in Vegas?

Did you experience anything paranormal?

Because if you did, we would love to hear about it in the comment section below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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