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Sinister Fog Creeps In At The Hotlake Hotel | Oregon | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Hotlake Hotel in Oregon is a building rich in history.

During the 1940s it was used as a hospital by natives and during the 1840s as an insane asylum. It was converted in the 1920s and later ran as a retirement home.

The home fell derelict and this is when it is believed the hauntings first began.

Today it runs as a hotel and you are welcome to stay there if you don’t mind the ghosts.

There have been hundreds of creepy reports of the strange and unusual at this location from full spectrum apparitions to visitors claiming they suffered horrific nightmares whilst staying here which portrayed death, despair and isolation.

A gardener once hanged himself in the gardens to the rear of the building and visitors have witnessed his spirit roaming the grounds, and around the gazebo area, once darkness falls.

But the most sinister phenomena experienced here is the dark dense fog which suddenly and speedily sets in, and is inconsistent with atmospheric conditions.

This mist rolls in without warning, and is suggested as being supernatural in nature and has caused several road traffic accidents.

Could the fog itself be an entity of some kind?

What do you think?

Drive safe.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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