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Spectral Soldiers Of Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center | Columbus Ohio | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

This former military training station is located in North East Columbus. This original fort was constructed in 1862 and later renamed The Columbus Barracks and was home to the Ohio National Guard of 1976.

Following the Vietnam War the property was abandoned. As of 2007 the building was used by the Columbus Education Center.

The old hospital quarter is now used as classrooms and the mess hall is utilised as the new Science Deptartment.

Hundreds of students have reported witnessing full spectrum apparitions of old uniformed soldiers, as if standing to attention at their original posts, and have even seen them enjoying meals within the dining centre.

Staff, personnel and visitors have, unbeknown to them, interacted with spectres, not realising them to be of spirit, until being later informed that there are no soldiers working here today!

Disembodied military commands are often audibly heard being shouted out and locker doors will spontaneously burst open and slam shut.

One soldier in particular is believed to be supernaturally tied here due to emotional attachment. This residual haunting is rumoured to be the spirit of Nicholas Hartzell who was an officer here who fell in love with a Generals daughter. The General disapproved and ordered Hartzell be shot and killed by cannon fire.

To this day, many still hear unexplained cannon fire and even detect the aroma of gunpowder permeate the air. Some students are too frightened to enter specific rooms claiming that an oppressive and evil invisible force lingers inside.

Could this be the most haunted place in Ohio?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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