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Spirit Attachment and Supernatural Letters at The Brooklyn Trust Building | Bedford Stuyvesant New York | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

New York has a rich history filled with chilling ghost stories and sinister scenarios. So, whether you believe in the paranormal or not, i think we can all agree that history will continue to define every American State and often the two go perfectly hand in hand.

The Brooklyn Trust Company (Old Bank Building) Bed-Stuy Branch

Bedford-Stuyvesant (Bed-Stuy), Brooklyn, New York, is defined by its ornate architectural character. The location was originally two separate towns (Bedford and Stuyvesant Heights) which later combined as Bed-Stuy.

Bed-Stuy has been commercially dubbed by housing markets as 'the buy or die' town, that's how haunted it is.

On the corner of Stuyvesant and Jefferson you will find the Brooklyn Trust building which served as a local bank during the early 1900s. This beautifully colonial building was once used as a lavish apartment complex and warehouses and was first erected in 1897, when Bed-Stuy was established as the 'American-African heart of Brooklyn'.

Later, during the 1980s, the area sadly became synonymous with gang violence, crime and prostitution and an area known for heavy racial tensions.

Today the site operates as the Brooklyn Trust with Wintercheck Furniture Factory also operating from here. However, this building seems to have retained a little more that just its traditional character, also its very own ghosts, as paranormal claims continue to flood in!

There have been literally hundreds of visitors' spooky reports of 'the unexplained' leaving many curious enough to approach staff to enquire on the history of the building.

Could there really be more than a 'negative' bank balance being retained here?

Staff and customers alike claim to finding unexplainable hand written notes about the place with mysterious symbols written on them, many placed inbetween floorboards, wall crevices etc, much to their puzzlement.

Are past spirits trying to communicate some hidden message to us today?

One lady explained how one evening in 2016 she witnessed a man literally disappear as she stood in line at a checkout desk. The lady stated 'i presumed it was a real man, not transparent like i imagined a ghost to be. He was as real as anything, a solid figure, but then he vanished right in front of my eyes'.

This lady claims that this spirit followed her home and objects around here were being thrown through the air around her. It is just bad luck that this entity was seemingly of a negative nature.

Spirit attachment is a very real thing when a spirit will detect a lower vibrational field and attach itself to your energy in order to 'feel human' again. Warning: negative attachments may initiate patterns of irrational and out of character behaviours and it is advised that these attachments are released in the correct manner with the caution and care of church authorities.

Have you ever been inside the Bed-Stuy bank building? Did you experience anything paranormal? What do you know about this building?

Point of interest : Spike Lees film 'Do the Right Thing' brought Bed-Stuy into public awareness. Recent thriller film 'Broken City' opens with a murder scene filmed at Bed-Stuy.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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