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Spirit Avoids Detection At The Kaminski House Museum | Georgetown, South Carolina | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Kaminski House Museum in Georgetown, South Carolina, is a historic educational venue and one of the truest examples of Georgian style architecture in existence today.

The home was originally owned by local prominent merchant Paul Trapier. 

In 1931 the home was acquired by the Harold and Julia Kaminsky.

From 1946 the Kaminskys modernized the property and updated all amenities.

The museum is open today offering guided tours, gift shop and various resources.

Throughout the years this location has been tied to two chilling tales. 

The first is regarding an eight year old boy who once lived here. His parents abandoned him, whilst they travelled North for the summer, and the boy perished here all alone and afraid. 

To this day visitors report sighting the apparition of the little boys aimlessly roaming the property, a sorrowful look on his face.

Is this child spirit still awaiting his parents’ return?

The second tale is that of a young lady who fell in love with a sea captain. The captain gifted her a vial of exotic and potent perfume. She cherished the gift. However, one night the captain told her he would be venturing to local beer tavern and would return later in the night. 

During the middle of the night, she stepped out onto her balcony and looked down onto the gardens below.

She saw her lover passionately kissing another woman.

Heartbroken, she went back inside and consumed the entire vial of potent perfume and died shortly after.

Her haunting silhouette is still seen on that balcony today.

However, visitors have described how when they have tried to capture her apparition on camera, their recently charged devices instantly deplete all power.

Just coincidence?

We all know folks who enjoy having their photograph taken, equally there are folks who prefer their privacy.

May spirits are no different and the lady on the balcony is intentionally obstructing detection. 

What do you think?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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