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Spirit Imprinted Memory | Do Ghosts Recognise Structural Changes | Residual Hauntings And Architectural Modification | The Old Neuces County Courthouse | Corpus Christi Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunted | America | BoiCGH

The Old Neuces County Courthouse is located downtown Corpus Christi, Texas, and was erected in 1914 and hailed as a symbol of law and justice. Authorities have praised the development of this structure as ‘a true crowning architectural achievement’.

This city played a vital part in forming the frontier and was actually founded by pirates who came ashore to hunt and camp, later going on to explore and establish the Gulf Seaport which aided in forming the Texas we see today.

The Courthouse was once used a Trading Center and later as a depot during the Mexican/American war. Outlaws, violence and raids. It soon became apparent that Corpus Christi required some form of law administration. Hence the Courthouse was established.

Throughout the years there were many modifications made to the building including renovations and substantial extension.

Business ceased in 1977 but this was not the last we heard of this place. These historically abandoned halls are known continual unexplained, and often terrifying, phenomena.

There are three distinct hauntings reported here which seem residual in nature.

The first is a little boy who is often seen running, as if playing, around corners and literally walking through walls. Please note that a residual haunting will not recognise structural alternations/modifications to a building.

If there was a door at a specific spot when that person resided here in life, but then maybe new owners made some structural changes and boarded that doorway up or made it into a wall, this means nothing to the supernatural realm. A residual haunting will not recognise the change because it is residual in nature and not intelligent.

They will continue to linger at that space as if it was still a doorway and wonder around the rooms as they were in their original blueprint/layout.

So when you see a spirit walking through a wall, this could suggest a residual manifestation at a modified building.

The second is the apparition of an older gentleman seen hanging by a rope from the metal gallows inside the execution rooms.

And lastly a mysterious man in a dark suit has been sighted aimlessly roaming the administration offices. It has been suggested this is the spirit of a former Courthouse official who died here. This entity likes things in order, just as he left it.

So be respectful if you visit.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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