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Spirit Worships At Sacred Sanctuary | Saint Andrew Cathedral | Honolulu, Hawaii | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

“We don’t see things as THEY are, we see things how WE are” ~ Anais Nin

St Andrew Cathedral in Honolulu, Hawaii, is one of just three Episcopal churches located across the whole of Hawaiian islands. In 1862 Hawaiian Ruler King Kamehameha IV commissioned construction of the cathedral.

Queen Emma of Hawaii was wife of King Kamehameha IV, they were fervent members of the Church of England which was headed by their good friend Queen Victoria of England.

Sadly, during construction, King Kamehameha IV passed away, leaving Kamehameha V taking the reigns as next in line as King and overseer. 

Kamehameha V took great honor in completing the construction project, laying the final cornerstones and installing a glorious four storey belltower.

In 1886 a choir was implemented and the church opened its doors to the very first congregation.

Today the building is the official residence of the Bishop of the Hawaiian Episcopal Diocese and is renowned for its chilling hauntings.

Many have encountered the apparition of Queen Emma herself, who is believed to still linger here, manifesting every Ascension Day near the main alter. Queen Emma was known to be devout in her faith, so it is speculated that she is harmlessly worshipping here in spirit.

Occasionally the piano she so loved playing in life will spontaneously burst into melody, each key hauntingly echoing throughout the vastness of the sacred sanctuaries.

Scholars and visitors have described intense feelings of being monitored, followed and even physically touched by icy, yet unseen, hands.

Just because we can’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

“Sometimes, all that is required, is an open mind” ~ Angela Jane.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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