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Spirits Drain Electronic Battery Power At Detroit Public Library | Detroit Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Detroit Public Library, Detroit Michigan, located at the epicentre of Detroits historical cultural district and is the second largest library in Michigan.

In 1842 State Law admonished that a Reading Room be opened to serve local communities, the library opened its doors in 1921.

Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie donated funds to expand the establishment and administrative offices which now consists of twenty four buildings spread across the entire city.

However, this library is often known for something more than literary excellence and is believed to be haunted by unseen forces.

Books will often visibly, and forcibly, fly from bookshelves, much to the shock of onlookers. Also, objects in locked displays will appear completely rearranged much to the puzzlement of staff.

Could it be that the books hold some sort of residual energy from all the hands which have thumbed through the pages over the centuries?

Visitors describe someone, or something, following them as they peruse the rows of books.

Long before this library ever existed, it was original burial grounds and is speculated as being the site of multiple unsolved murders.

Could there be spirits of unrest haunting this library today?

Full spectrum apparitions, flickering lights, ghostly phantom candlelit lanterns floating mid air, as if being carried by ghosts are all phenomena encountered here. Some students have even refused to walk inside the building, describing feeling ‘something not right’.

Be warned that your electronics may drain power whilst here as the spirits attempt using surrounding energies in order to manifest.

Bring those spare batteries!

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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