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Spirits Draw On Electronic Energy | The Burlington County Prison Museum | Mount Holly, New Jersey | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Burlington County Prison Museum located in Mount Holly, New Jersey, is a former jail turned museum. Constructed in 1810, and designed by renowned federal architect Robert Mills, this was the oldest operating prison in the country.

In 1811 the site welcomed its first inmates. This three storey, u shaped structure housed hundreds of cells with solitary confinement, for excessively dangerous prisoners, being located on the top floor complete with wall mounted shackles.

In 1965 the prison was converted as a museum and is today a recognised historical landmark operated by a local non profit committee.

There have been countless executions, and many violent deaths, within this prison and staff believe the location is actively haunted by those spirits today.

Phenomena ranges from extremely high EMF (electromagnetic field) levels, to chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) and inexplicable electronic and cell phone malfunction.

Equipment such as the K2 meter detects electromagnetic fields, very often spirits will manipulate the battery source used to power that equipment, in order to more fully manifest. 

So could the prisoners of yesteryear be actively attempting to communicate with the living today?

Visitors have sighted the apparition of a tall man dressed in prison uniform lurking ominously in the basement area.

Historically, Joel Clough, a 21 year old man who stabbed a woman to death for turning down his offer of a marriage proposal, managed to escape maximum security. He was, however, soon after apprehended, returned to his cell, and later executed in the prisons courtyard. His death was one of many publicly viewed events.

As visitors have passed Joels cell, they have heard audible sobbing sounds rumored to be the spirit of Joel.

Could these be cries of regret as he awaited his impending fate?

Strange mists in photography, items sighted moving on their own and terrifying disembodied screams.

So, what do you think, could Burlington County Prison Museum be New Jerseys’ most haunted location?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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