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Spirits Get into Character at The Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Theatre | Atlanta Georgia | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Atlanta, known as the Empire City, is renowned for its creepy castles, abandoned mills and chilling history.

The Shakespeare Tavern Playhouse Theatre originated from a back street tavern during 1984 and eventually moved to this delightful Elizabethan theatre. During the 90s funds were depleted resulting in the theatre closing down. However, 1990 saw finances replenished allowing for completion of renovation and a much welcomed re opening.

The theatre holds a prized reputation for being the first American company to present the Shakespearian Canon.

Staff and spectators alike frequently report paranormal phenomena such as whispering disembodied voices, mysterious light anomalies, doors spontaneously slamming and fast moving shadow figures darting across the stage.

Some have even encountered the ghost of a little boy, accompanied by an older male spirit, both dressed in Edwardian era attire. The little boy will often make eye contact and smile.

Another spectral entity known to linger here is that of a young lady who has been known to manifest within the backstage changing room area. This female entity is known to be very playful in nature, non malevolent, and is believed responsible for moving items from room to room.

Night staff report a specific room which is known for intense cold spots and extreme temperature fluctuation. This room omits a dark heavy malevolent energy and unwelcoming presence resulting in many staff members being too afraid to enter it.

Original founding President, Jeffrey Watkins who still works here today, takes great pride in the establishment which offers fantastic live performances, British pub grub, craft beers and selected ciders. 

Christmas usually hosts a showing of 'Scrooge' however not all ghosts are the 'Christmas past' sort.

Next time you are downtown Atlanta why not head to Peachtree Street and catch a show here.

Let us know if you experience anything 'otherworldly' here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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