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Stepping Off The Edge | The Suicide Ghosts | The Washington Avenue Bridge | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Washington Avenue Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, links Country Road 122 and the Metro Green Line across the Mississippi and into Minneapolis.

The two deck bridge was initially a basic iron tress built in 1884 which operated for over sixty years a little further upstream.

The bridge has most certainly stood the test of time and today is used by light rail trains, bicycles and motor traffic, connecting to the eastern sector of The University of Minnesota.

However, there is a truly dark side to this bridge as the location is shrouded in reports of suicide.

Several deceased bodies have been discovered floating underneath the bridge in the river although numbers are not confirmed.

However, sadly, it would seem many had chosen this location as as their last stop in life.

In 1972 much loved Professor and Poet John Barryman, who taught at the University of Minnesota, took his own life at this bridge.

Hundreds have sighted his full spectrum, pacing back and forth, crying, before stepping off the edge. Others have claimed to seeing his spirit casually roaming the university campus just as he would have in life.

Many pedestrians have watched in shock as walking apparitions have approached vehicles and left visible hand prints on windows accompanied by disturbing ghostly cryings.

Are these the cries of finality?

How heartbreaking to consider that some of these spirits may actually be grieving their own deaths, eternally mourning the decision of taking their own lives?

Forever is a long time.

One pedestrian reported being actively followed, across this bridge one night, by an unexplainable figure which mysteriously dematerialzed as a mist without trace.

Others have described seeing disjointed limbs and partial half formed apparitions pass them by which, to their horror, appear to pick up pace and  speedily leap from the edge.

The spirits here have a habit of causing mayhem and are believed responsible for causing sudden engine failure with near catastrophe being narrowly missed.

So, please, proceed with caution.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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