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Stigmata And The Italian Saint | Padre Pio | Saint Pius Pietrelcina | Community | Research | Paranormal | Religion | BoiCGH

What Is Stigmata?

Stigmata are the flesh injuries, and or issues of reported pain corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, such as the hands, wrists, feet, (crucifixion) near the heart (spear) the head (crown of thorns) and the back (flagellation: scourging/carrying of the cross).

Stigmata has been described as spiritual phenomenon which manifests as Divine replica wounds of Christ usually associated with Roman Catholicism.

Science reinforces faith, faith reinforces science, this phenomena is believed impressed onto the bodily flesh of those walking closest to Christ, compelled by divine and holy favor of St Francis of Assisi amongst other Saints and even by Christ himself.

It is believed that any person stamped with these same wounds as Christ shares His passion and death.  

Those who have presented Stigmata are usually members of the Catholic faith and/or Saints.

Padre Pio - The Italian Saint 

Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione and was given the name Saint Pius of Pietrelcina upon joining The Order of The Friars Minor Capuchin where he was a spiritual Teacher and Director. 

One day whilst teaching and praying, a mysterious character approached him and pierced him in his side with a spear.

He had also suffered the flagellation and the crown of thorns injuries prior to this occasion. He described these wounds as tremendously painful. During his life he suffered many hardships yet, through fervent Catholic faith, he endured to the end.

It is widely believed that the Lord chose to grant Padre the wounds of Stigmata as a result of his faithfulness, continual charity and timeless piety.

Amidst his most troublesome times Padre quoted “We kiss the hand of our Mother, when that same hand that disciplines you, do we not still kiss that hand?”

Padre Pio died on 23rd September 1968. His funeral was attended by over 100,000 people. Pope John Paul II recognized Padre Pio as a Saint on June 16, 2002.

His feast day is September 23.

Padre Pios life, faith, testimony and subsequent Stigmata association has brought about the reconciliation of thousands of individuals to the throne of Christ.

Today, cases of stigmata are still being reported worldwide.

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