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Suicide Heartbreak And A Lady In Black | Haunted Henderson State University | Arkadelphia Arkansas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

From blood stained battle fields of long ago, to ghostly eyes penetrating the supernatural realms.

Welcome to Arkansas where the spectres are not shy.

Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, was first erected in 1890, as Methodologist College. In 1975 the establishment was renamed Henderson State University.

It is alleged that during its earlier days a boy who attended here fell in love with a girl from a nearby rival college.

The boy was severely bullied by his friends for dating this girl and so he made the decision to end the relationship.

However, that same young lady was invited to Homecoming by another boy.

She arrived hoping to rekindle what had begun, even though it had recently ended.

But soon discovered her love in the arms of another.

Heartbroken, and hopeless, the young girl committed suicide.

There have been hundreds of reports of a menacing black mass figure, known as ‘The Lady in Black’, which many believe to be her spirit.

Could this entity which manifests be set on revenge, searching for the ‘other woman’ who stole her sweetheart?

It is said the Lady In Black makes an appearance at every Homecoming.

So be on watch.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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