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Supernatural Craze at the Emily Morgan Hotel | San Antonio Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

San Antonio, the most haunted city in Texas.

Welcome to the Emily Morgan Hotel where entities freely roam the hallways!

First erected in 1924, this hotel is located downtown San Antonio, with fantastic views of the historical Alamo compound, an iconic Texan landmark.

The establishment offers a truly historical atmosphere, but be warned as this may be a little too much to take in for some folks. 

Renowned for its shocking 'out of control' activity, with paranormal teams describing a 'supernatural craze'. Originally used as a psychiatric facility and a morgue. It is widely believed that hundreds of those souls residually haunt the hotel today.

Or could it be the spirits of the six hundred Mexican and Texan officers who died in the 'Long Barracks of The Alamo Battle' in 1836, the very land the hotel was built on?

There are concrete statues of decrepit and tormented looking gargoyles which where originally intended to convey the nature of the establishment, helping the mentally ill and physically injured. These gothic sculptures are said to depict various ailments so keep a look out for those if you visit!

Staff frequently describe 'strange and unexplained occurrences' such as ghostly phone calls at the front desk, newly serviced rooms being found to be ransacked just moments later and bath tubs unexplainably filling with water.

Perhaps the most sinister phenomena are the sightings of full spectrum apparitions roaming the hallways accompanied by the audible sounds of hospital carts being wheeled and strange shadows seen moving along the walls where there are no people!

Staff welcome you to ask freely about the hotel and its amazing history.

Boutique guest rooms described as 'charmingly quintessential' and an outdoor pool.

Are you willing to stay a night here?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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