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Supernatural Portal at Twin Falls Historical Museum | Twin Falls, Idaho | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | IdaHaunts | America | BoiCGH

Did you know that Twin Falls County Historical Museum is rumoured to be the nucleus of a supernatural portal.

The building, which is situated along Highway 30, houses an original 1914 School Union building and Pioneer House, which offer a rich and fascinating insight into the Magic Valleys early ranching and farming days. 

Michelle Madsen who worked at the museum stated "we are definitely not alone! We believe a number of spirits haunt the place."

Others claim that due to the museum being the site of so much historical and residual energy it could serve as a appealing gateway portal for past spirits to come through.

One staff administrator told how back in 2010 she was preparing an exhibition of local sixties era bands and musicians a voice was audibly heard saying "hello, i'm Mr Braun!".

After some research it was discovered that Mr Gary Braun played in a local band called The Buckaroo who were a much loved Magic Valley family band.

Could the museum act as some sort of veil between two worlds? What do you think? 

Group tours of the museum are always available so why not check it out.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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