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Supernatural Slaughter Lane And Radio Frequency Communication | Interstate 40 | South Central New Mexico | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Interstate 40, known as the I40, runs a total of 374 miles and is a major South Central New Mexico route which aided in establishing the New Mexico interstate system. The I40 replaced the preceding iconic Route 66.

The I40 bypasses the historical town of Cuervo and runs through Albuquerque.

During the 1980s multiple bypasses were added and the interstate became known for its treacherous and twisting lanes. 

This location officially ranked third place for the highest annual number of road traffic collision fatalities in the state with 40 plus incidents being recorded each year.

Chillingly the I40 was nicknamed as ‘Slaughter Lane’.

Pedestrians often report deathly pale ghostly faces staring back at them through vehicle window reflections and hear unsettling audible cries as if emanating from a completely different realm.

Maybe those cries really are coming from another realm, the spirit realm.

Also encountered are icy cold temperature changes and mysterious car radio interference.

Could this inexplicable phenomenon be linked to the restless souls of all those killed on this deadly highway?

Are these entities seeking for an avenue of communication via radio frequency?

Hauntingly ironic that spirits would use the very same vessels which took their earthly lives.

Residual hauntings seem most active at locations where death was sudden, severe and traumatic. 

So then, considering the horrific nature of these fatalaties, i would imagine this intersection is pretty active.

What do you think?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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