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Sweet Sweet Idaho | Fredericksons Fine Candies | Twin Falls, Idaho | Historical | Community | Heritage | Idaho | BoiCGH

Do you have a sweet tooth? Well we have a treat for you today!

If someone asked me if I know anywhere that makes handmade candies, fresh every single day, I would have to say yes because here in Idaho we have Fredericksons Fine Candies Store!

Located on Hansen Street East, Twin Falls, Idaho, this delightful family owned business was established way back in 1936, by Jack Frederickson who first ran it as an ice cream parlour. Jack worked here until the grand age of 93 and now his grand daughter Angie has gracefully taken the family reigns using the traditional family recipes and methods.

The store has gathered quite the loyal following due to their wonderfully tasty home made treats.

The old saying 'never judge a book by its cover' would seem fitting as this true gem presents as an ever so small and humble exterior yet what awaits behind the walls will delight your culinary senses! 

Surely you would be forgiven for drooling a little upon gazing upon their gourmet chocolate pizza, English and butter toffees and hand dipped truffles.

This candy store has a reputation for making 'the tastiest sweets in Idaho'. So why not stop by today and see what old time favourite candies you can choose from.

You see the difference with home made is that it retains 'passion'.

If you have visited this amazing sweet store please comment below or even better share your candy pics.

History in our hands.

#historicalidaho #historicalpreservation #thisplacematters #historicalboise #historicalmeridian 

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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