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Terrifying Swinging Hangman At The Fort Morgan State Historic Site | Gulf Shores, Alabama | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

The Fort Morgan State Historic Site in Gulf Shores, Alabama, is a nineteenth century masonry, pentagon shaped, fort renowned for its service in the Spanish American war, the battle of Mobile Bay, WWI, WWII and two British conflicts.

The fort was erected in 1834 in attempts to strengthen defences against military forces utilising canon fire and was aptly named 'the Guardian of Mobile Bay'.

In 1946 the fort slipped into a state of despair and was later abandoned and released to the State as a historic preservation site.

Many visitors to the site today report a whole range of unexplained phenomena including extreme temperature fluctuation and chilling disembodied voices.

There have been many deaths and casualties at this location including one prisoner of war who hanged himself whilst housed at Fort Morgan barracks. His full spectrum apparition has been seen horrifically hanging from the neck, swinging, back and forth, accompanied by painstaking sounds of crying.

Also encountered are audible phantom sounds of battle and sightings of ghostly figures of uniformed British, and Continental, soldiers.

There have been tales of a young girl who was viciously attacked and murdered here. So could the ghostly female apparition, seemingly in distress prowling the perimeters, be that very same girl in spirit as she supernaturally seeks her cold blooded killer?

A fantastic National historic location with a history that runs deep.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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