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Territorial Mountain Ghosts | The Long Trail | Glastonbury Vermont | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Long Trail in Glastonbury, Vermont, was first constructed in 1910 covering an astounding 230 miles. These trails played a vital role in the settlement and establishments of many communities, combining heritage and breathtaking natural wonders.

The trail is drenched in eery folklore and ancient legend, yet includes a facutal event when five locals disappeared overnight whilst hiking here in 1940.

The Benington Triangle, is an area within the trail, known for its extreme paranormal activity. 

It is speculated this triangle is home to ancient curses, a known occult ritual spot. 

Many entities were conjured via satanic ceremonies held deep in these shadowy forests perfectly hidden from prying eyes, concealed by the surrounding Glastonbury mountains.

Outdoor enthusiasts and hikers, who have climbed Mount Abraham and Mount Ellen, have reported ghostly spectres and dark ominous figures darting amongst foliage.

One of the entities known to have been conjured here is that an old Appalachian warrior who locals say often manifests as an angry malevolent spirit.

This spirit has physically scratched the living, violently pushed people as they cross his path.

Appalachians were known to be highly territorial.

The first known Appalachian settlement has been historically dated over 480 million years ago during the Ordovician period.

You do not want to set up camp here.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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