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The Children Trapped In The Tunnels At Smith College | Northampton Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

From ghosts of travellers eternally lost in time, to creepy haunted mansions.

Massachusetts is brimming in the mysterious and macabre.

Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, is a private liberal arts college which holds the title of largest institution of the Seven Sisters (seven exclusively selected historical womens colleges throughout the country).

In 1861 Sophia Smith gained a substantial inheritance when her brother passed away and intended to open a school for females. Smith College opened its doors in 1865 and by 1916 there were over 1700 scholars enrolled here.

During World War II this location was used as a female WAVE military base (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency service). The campus covers an impressive 147 acres.

The old dormatories were linked to secret underground passageways which were used during colonisation as hiding places during attack. These same tunnels were used by connecting railroads during the Civil War.

One of the buildings was owned by English General Jonathan Hunt. Hunts granddaughter Lucy fell madly in love with British General John Burgoyne. The two would often meet in secret within those very tunnels.

Faculty today believe that Lucys spirit still searches for John.

Security report unexplained footsteps, lights flickering off and on and doors violently ratting.

These doorways are exactly where those tunnels lie.

Two children who became separated from their parents whilst seeking shelter underground disappeared down here.

Their tiny voices can still be heard today, echoing from the dark tunnel passageways.

Unseen presences, extreme cold spots and perhaps the most disturbing phenomena is the phone which rings, only to be answered by a whispering female voice asking for help.

Could this be a paternal supernatural plea?

Because we all know that a mother would never give up searching for her children, not even beyond the grave.


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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