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The Creepy Bathroom Ghost At The Spaghetti Warehouse Restaurant | Houston, Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Spaghetti Warehouse is an Italian American restaurant located downtown Houston believed to be the most haunted location in Texas.

Built in 1912, the building was originally a fruit and vegetable warehouse, later it became the Desel-Boettcher pharmaceutical warehouse which was purchased by the Spaghetti Warehouse. 

The venue opened as a restaurant in 1974 and throughout the years there have been hundreds of reports of paranormal encounters including full spectrum apparitions walking about the property.

Staff report that an entity they call ‘the lady in white’ is frequently seen setting tables in the dining area as if preparing for guests.

Visitors have claimed the mens bathrooms are haunted by a male spirit who audibly calls out and can be heard eerily shuffling between stalls leaving many too frightened to enter.

Two further apparitions have been sighted up on the second floor believed to be the ghosts of a previous owner, and his wife.

History suggests that a young pharmacist died after falling down an elevator shaft here. His wife was was so heartbroken that she died less than a year later.

So is the saying true 'you can die of a broken heart?'

What do you think?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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