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The Crying Bride | Ghosts At Sunset At Will Rogers State Beach | Los Angeles, California | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Will Rogers State Beach, on Santa Monica Bay in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, is a beach park which has grown vastly in popularity as a surfing location.

The beach was named in honor of renowned film actor, and director, William Penn Adair Rogers (A Connecticut Yankee 1931) (So This Is London 1930) (Life Begins At 40 1935). 

In 1911 movie director Thomas Ince established a Western filming town named Inceville and, in 1921, the Southern California Methodist Episcopal Church, under authority of Reverend Charles H Scott, purchased that town and developed the Pacific Palisades community.

During the 1920s, Rogers purchased a 300 acre plot with ranch, and developed land along the Palisades.This became his home, his haven.

Tragically, Rogers died during a plane crash in 1935.

Rogers’ ranch and beach grounds were donated by his family to the States Park and Recreation authority.

Will Rogers State Beach is an ever popular resort for volley, sailing, surfing and swimming. 

A series of notable televised series has been filmed here including Baywatch.

Sounds like paradise? Maybe. 

However, hundreds of beachgoers continually report varied phenomena from unexplained splashing sounds echoing from empty waters, disturbing non human cries, strange mists and light anomalies captured in photographs and the sensation of unseen hands forcefully pulling on visitors arms and legs.

Also sighted are creepy shadow figures aimlessly roaming the shoreline.

The most famous tale to emerge here is that of the crying bride, a ghostly female, who manifests after sundown, wearing a beautiful wedding gown. 

She sits sobbing, her face in her hands, intermittently looking up at the living.

Rumor has it that she was left standing at the alter on her wedding day and, advice is, if you encounter this entity you may want to keep your distance.

Do not interact with her because if she mistakes you for the one who broke her heart so long ago, things could take a turn for the worst.

Urban legend or paranormal infestation?

What do you think?

Could this be the most haunted beach in California?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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