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The Crying Dead (2011) | Movie Recommendation | Saturday Night Scares | Community | BoiCGH

Last night I watched The Crying Dead and let me tell you, you’re in for a treat tonight.

Directed by Hunter G. Williams who also brought us The Madness Within (2019) and Cornered (2011).

If you enjoyed Grave Encounters (2011) you will enjoy this.

My favorite movies are obviously the ones involving paranormal teams and the aesthetic of haunted locations.

The story involves the spirits of three little girls.

Some astounding jump scares and scenes which capture that lightening fast, demonic, supernatural speed which is always a joy to watch.

A paranormal team access an abandoned, and soon to be demolished, asylum where experimental and excruciating procedures were once performed on innocent patients. The walls are filled with residual negativity and echoes of pain.

The tension intensifies as the investigation progresses.

You all know there's going to be trouble as soon we hear those words “let’s split up”, right?

And it's never a good sign when an investigative team begin to disappear one by one.

This is a place where real, not imagined, nightmares took place.

So, as you can imagine, there are some deeply troubled entities here.

Sinister spectres just waiting for fresh souls to torment.


Because during the 1940s many were sorely mistreated, abused and even killed here.

These spirits want revenge.

I hope you're ready for those three little girls. I enjoyed watching every deliciously haunted minute.

Happy Saturday to all our readers.

Stay Spooky.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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