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The Devils Candy (2015) | Movie Recommendations | Community | BoiCGH


If you love the Conjuring movies, you’re in for a treat.

Voted as ‘Scarier than The Conjuring’ with elements of the plot being compared with Stephen Kings The Shining.

Because the mind is more terrifying than monsters, right?

Written and directed by Sean Byrne who brought us The Loved Ones (2017) which won the coveted Peoples Choice Award.

A brilliant opening with some really effective scares.

The tale follows a passionate, but struggling painter, and his family, who move into a creepy home in rural Texas. His artistic passion for painting completely consumes his whole being and he is overtaken by dark satanic forces.

Unexplained screams in the night, behaviourally out of control, confusion.

Psychologically brilliant, intense, will have you rivetted to your seat from beginning to end.

He questions his sanity, doubts his family.

One of the best independent films I’ve seen in a long time.

Artists went crazy over this movies gorgeous stills, mesmerizing cinematography, subliminal almost trance like in parts.

This film will stick with you for some time.

Grab those snacks. Let's go.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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