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The Devils Ku Klux Klan Tree Awakens Your Worst Nightmares | Gateway To Hell | Basking Ridge New Jersey | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Our team posted about a Demon Tree (article linked below) some time ago and it led me to another great finding!

This 'devil' tree at Basking Ridge in New Jersey is said to be capable of 'awakening your worst nightmares' so proceed with caution!

At first glance you would be forgiven for thinking this to be just another lowly oak tree in a deserted creek. But you already know we have got so much more for you! Wait until you hear this old trees history.

Said to be a focal point and meeting place for past Ku Klux Klan activists, with visible axe markings still on its trunk, this area became known as 'gateway to hell' due to the atrocities which took place here.

This site is now hailed by paranormal enthusiasts as one of New Jerseys most chilling and actively haunted historical landmarks.

Locals believe the legendary folklore that if you harm this tree in any way, its curses of retribution will deal with you in the most merciless way. This is not a time to be brave in front of friends as many teenagers seem to be doing at this very site.

Sadly there have been numerous suicides at this location. Many who visit have witnessed dark shadowy figures surrounding the tree and heard creepy disembodied voices literally circling them as if they are being surrounded by malevolent entities.

Could this unexplained phenomena be the ghosts of those ceremonial victims? Or the suicide spirits who breathed their very last breaths of life here? 

We know that objects may retain energy. We are all 'energy' and energy is found in living and non living things. The chair you sit in today holds energy. When you enter a room full of people you will feel their energy.

Could the rumours be true? Is this site an actual portal to hell? Can it unleash your worse nightmares?

If you do visit, just be careful, you never know which negative energies are attached here or what might follow you home.

We hope you sleep easy tonight.

Is there an item in your home which you believe carries negative energy or just makes you feel uneasy? Let us know in the comment section below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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