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The Exorcist (1973) | We Saved The Best For Last | Community | Halloween | Movie Recommendation | BoiCGH

Wishing all our readers a spooktacularly safe, fun and happy Halloween!

The Exorcist was unleashed upon the public in 1973, the day after Christmas, with some viewers so shocked they vomited and fainted in theater aisles.

However, this only drew attention to the production and the film went on to become the highest grossing movie of 1974.

Sadly, the movie was also surrounded by much controversy and Linda Blair, who played little possessed Regan, received hundreds of death threats accusing her of glorifying satanism and witchcraft which was not easy for the actress seeing as she was only fifteen years old at the time.

Directors praised her performance as 'iconic' but stated that she could not have been prepared for the attention that came along with the role, after all - who could have known the extent of the films success, the longevity of its impact, the effect of its depth? Short answer, no one.

It remains Warner Brothers most successful movie ever made and is nicknamed the Citizen Kane of horror and the first possession film to be nominated for an Academy Award.

Some have said there will never be another movie like it.

I have to agree and that is why this movie rounds off our 31 days of Halloween movie recommendations. 

Let me know which has been your favorite October movie recommendation in the comment section below. 

Also, what would you like to see more of?


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