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The Ghost Of Cary Grant At The Blackhawk Hotel | Davenport Iowa | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Hotel Blackhawk in Davenport, Iowa, was first built in 1915 and has played host to many notable names throughout history including Cary Grant who checked into the Blackhawk one Saturday night in 1986 and, sadly, never checked out again.

Cary Grant, born Archibald Alexander Leach, known for his comedic flair, debonair style and effortless classic finesse.

He was born in Gloucestershire England in 1904 and, tragically, died right here at the Blackhawk Hotel on November 29th, 1986.

The English/American actor had suffered a fatal stroked whilst attending a fundraiser in the ballroom.

He was 82 years old.

It is alleged his spirit lingers here today.

Staff have reported unexplained phantom piano music emanating from the ballroom when empty and a tall dark mysterious shadow figure walking various rooms.

Could this be the ghost of Grant himself?

Is this our most famous alleged haunting to date?

The star was known for enjoying the piano, and he was over 6ft tall, so you just never know.

What we do know is that Cary Grant was of most enduring and captivating stars the world ever saw and will always be fondly remembered.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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