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The Ghost of Emily At The Gold Brook Bridge | Stowe Vermont | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Gold Brook Covered Bridge in Stowe, Vermont, was constructed in 1844 and is the only surviving covered bridge in Vermont.

This unassuming wooden bridge is also known as Emilys Bridge and is one the most haunted bridges in the whole of North America.

Emily, a teenager in the 1920s, was scheduled to be married, but her groom never showed up.

Abandoned, Emily committed suicide by jumping to her death from the bridge.

Pedestrians in vehicles reports being physically dragged from their vehicles by unseen forces. Many sustain deep scratches and severe bruising.

Emily will lash out at anyone who crosses her supernatural path.

Many have caught her ghostly apparition on photographs and paranormal investigators have recorded disturbing EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) and exceedingly high EMF (electromagnetic field) readings at this location.

Phantom screams, electrical malfunction, unexplained mists, and a female spectre seen manifesting to the living in broad daylight.

Is Emily residually haunting the Gold Bridge today, forever trapped in heartbreak?

It's all happening right here, in Vermont, on Emilys Bridge.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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