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A 24 Carat Haunting | The Ghost Of Versace At The Villa Casa Casurina | Miami Florida | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Villa Casa Casuarina, at the former Versace mansion, is located at Miami Beach in Florida.

This five star hotel was constructed in 1930 by Aldon Freeman and is world famous for once being home to Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace who purchased the mansion in 1992.

This stunning mansion first functioned as apartments and passed through the hands of many different owners and consists of ten luxury suites, eleven bathrooms and a 24 carat gold lined swimming pool. It is believed the hallway tiles are intricately laid out in a specific formation, with cryptic codes.

I wonder if anyone ever deciphered those codes to messages?

On July 15th, 1997, tragically Gianni was murdered by Andrew Cunanan whilst on his morning walk, after which the house sat empty for three years before being sold to Victor Hotels Group as luxury accommodation in 2000.

Hundreds of guests have reported encountering the man himself, the spirit of Gianni Versace gracing the home today.

Could Gianni Versace simply enjoying the home he loved so much in life?

As this spirit manifests many have described its presence as a wonderful calmness, very tranquil, peaceful. Gianni was known to be of a calm temperament in life. 

Other phenomena includes crystal clear EVPs (electronic voice phenomena), objects seen levitating mid air, bangings from closets and the uneasy feeling of being watched.

The Villa remains open today, and is recognized for preserving a wealth of Versaces' prestigious decor and belongings.

This lavish estate has long been surrounded by whispers of trap doors, secret passageways and a secret underground tunnel network. And some of the rumors are true, there is a secret tunnel network, which guests are forbidden to use.

Could this then explain the ominous scratching sounds so often audibly heard emanating from the floorboards?

If you would like to experience capturing the very essence of Versace himself, and you have a passion for the paranormal, the Villa awaits you.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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