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The Ghostly Belle Of Sudbury | Longfellows Wayside Inn | Sudbury, Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Longfellows Wayside Inn is located in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and has long been known for its Yankee charm and unparalleled hospitality.

Let's take a look at the history behind this inns colonial past.

This iconic lodging was originally called Howes Tavern and, dating back to 1686, is oldest operating inn in the whole of America.

The inn became famouns, in 1862, when author Henry Wadsworth Longfellow stayed here whilst writing his 1863 poetry book ‘Tales Of A Wayside Inn’.

The tavern succumbed to a forest fire in 1955, fortunately the building was restored and is open today offering historically accurate guest rooms, event center and restaurant.

The most famous tale is that of a young girl name Jerusha Howe.

Jerusha was the very first resident to own a piano. She lived in Room 9 at the inn, and would often play for guests.

She was strikingly beautiful and became known as ‘the Belle of Sudbury’, her hand in marriage was sought by many.

She accepted the proposal of a charming English man became besotted with her, and she with him.

The English man returned to England to inform his family of his marriage plans.

He never returned and Jerusha passed away, shortly after, many say of a broken heart.

Visitors today have been lunged at by a seemingly deranged female apparition and, very often, dreamy mystical piano music is heard emanating from Room 9.

One guest told how she woke to find her child cowering in the dark, crying uncontrollably.

Additionally, items and objects often go missing only to turn up in unexpected places later on.

Can all these things be explained naturally or is the spirit of Jerusha linked to these mysterious incidents?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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