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The Ghostly Guerneys At The United Community Hospital | Mexicantown Detroit Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The United Community Hospital located in the Mexicantown district of Detroit, Michigan, was first known as South West Detroit Hospital.

The facility opened in 1974 and was one of Detroits first facilities to employ African American doctors and nurses. The site now lies completely abandoned.

During the 1960s this was one of the major hospitals which sadly was still segregated by race.

Large corporations merged to form South West Hospital in response to a demand for segregational medical care which ran until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The first few years did not go well and patients reported severe malpractice and severe neglect.

The establishment also suffered irreparable financial damages resulting in liquidation and eventual closure.

Although the hospital remains abandoned it has recently sparked interest with large corporations as a future development site.

But can they handle the hauntings here?

This hospital is renowned for its unexplainable and creepy happenings.  

There are hundreds of reports of fully uniformed nurses and doctors residually manifesting, these entities will appear just as the living, and to be attending to medical tasks, pushing guerneys into rooms.

However, when those rooms are investigated, they appear empty.

What people are seeing are residual hauntings.

Many have encountered child ghosts who interact with the living asking ‘do you know where my family is?’

Those who have been brave enough to enter this derelict site have described being touched and grabbed by unseen hands, and have captured unaccounted for entities on photographs and audible agonising cries in the dark.

Are these the cries of those individuals who suffered gross neglect and cruelty whilst being housed here so long ago?

Previous staff members told of mysterious light anomalies which would seem to travel with directional intent/cognition.

A strong aroma of sterilisation bleach/cleaning products are often detected in the air, just as an operational medical facility would have smelled, yet this building has been empty for over fifteen years.

How can that be possible?

Is it possible?

Or is this a phantom residual aroma?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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