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The Girl In The Well At The Spanish Governors' Palace | San Antonio, Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | BoiCGH

The Spanish Governors’ Palace in San Antonio, Texas, is located on Military Plaza and was voted, by National Geographic, as ‘the most beautiful architectural site in San Antonio’. 

The building today serves as museum showcasing the lives and history of all who previously lived here.

During 1731, fifteen families arrived here from the Canary Islands, and settled here, this would be the very birthing of the San Antonio we see today.

Established in 1749 the palace served as home to Igntio Perez, a prominent sea merchant, who purchased the palace in 1960.

The State of Texas recognized the palace as an official historical site and granted substantial funding for renovation works.

There are continual accounts of paranormal incidents reported from all across the palace and its grounds.

We all know that wherever there are historical ancient artefacts, very often spirit activity may follow.

Visitors have described horrific sightings of apparitions, hanging by the necks from the ceiling, their bodies still moving and twitching, as if taking their last breaths of life.

Many have watched in shock as Spanish soldiers, colonists and natives cross the courtyards, who are often mistaken as period era actors, but there are no actors employed by the museum.

Repair workers and staff frequently hear alarming screamings coming from an old well. It is alleged a young servant girl was set upon by bandits who threw her body into the well. 

This young girl was in no way ready to leave this world and her restless soul mournfully lingers here today. Many have seen her, sitting on the well, as if crying. At the very same moment of watching the girl, visitors describe suddenly feeling tremendous feelings of anger mingled with sorrow. 

Are these the very emotions the unfortunate girl at the well experiences today as she mourns her life being so cruelly taken so prematurely?

Disturbingly, other have encountered the sounds of babies screaming, also emanating from the depths of the well. Really makes one wonder what horrors this palace lived through.

It is believed a small child was buried within the walls of the chapel, so maybe this would explain why so many feel overwhelmingly fearful upon entering this area.

Workmen, staff and visitors have all witnessed a musical harp, seen to levitate mid air and actively begin to play, before dropping heavily back to the ground.

Have you ever witnessed an object moving unaided?

Because if you have i'd love to hear from you!

Please feel free to connect with me via our Boise City Ghost Hunters Live Chat room for anyone interested in further chat, discussion and any questions you may have.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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