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The Harvard Hauntings | Harvard University | Cambridge, Massachusetts | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Iconic hallways, timeless courtyards and spirits of yesteryear.

Harvard University was first founded in 1636 by Sir John Harvard.

This prestigious Ivy League University, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is one of the oldest institutions in the whole of the United States.

In 1643 a publication was discovered by faculty, handwritten by its original founders, listing the schools purpose as ‘to encourage the advancement of learning, to the highest standards, even after our forefathers lie in dust’.

Harvard is recognized internationally for its unparalleled scholarships, undergraduate projects and continually ranks amongst the top universities worldwide.

In 1638 the school acquired the first printing press in America.

Economic expansion, and a flourishing populus, resulted in a rapid expansion of the school. Cambridge City provided financial funding to the university and in 1718 Massachusetts Hall was constructed, followed in 1782 by Harvard Medical School. In 1817 Harvard Law School was founded followed by Harvard Business Department in 1908.

Harvard remains open today and accommodates over 30,000 students. 

However, despite its shining reputation, Harvard harbors some truly dark tales of campus ghosts and macabre phenomena.

Lowell House, named in memory of former President Lawrence Abbot Lowell, is rumored to be haunted by Lowells younger sister Amy. This mysterious female entity has been known to manifest as a perfume ghost, her floral fragrance suddently, and pleasantly, permeating the air.

Very often items will be reported missing, only to turn up in unexpected places later on. Some have witnessed classroom objects levitating in mid air.

During renovation of the chapel, a pile of unidentified human remains were unearthed. The chapel is known today for its sudden and rapid temperature fluctuation. When you enter the sacred place of worship it is warm and inviting, yet you will leave feeling as though you are cloaked in ice.

Memorial Hall, which honors those who fought for the Union during the Civil War, is where many students have seen ghostly faces peering from the windows, and shadowy silhouettes roaming the surrounding lawns, once darkness falls.

Inside University Hall faculty have described hearing the loud shoutings of a residual haunting of the famous 1818 food fight incident which resulted in the expulsion of an entire sophomore class.

The Appthorpe House is believed haunted by General John Burgoyne and accompanying Revolutionary War soldiers.

The Wadsworth House which was constructed in 1726 for Harvard President, Benjamin Wadsworth, once served as George Washingtons HQ offices. Students who study here have reported encounters with full spectrum apparitions dressed in Colonial uniform.

One night, the site cleaning lady was busy about her duties when she described witnessing a sinister looking silhouette wearing a tri corn hat and cloak. The lady says she was alone at the time and the experience was truly terrifying. She went on to describe how the cloaked apparition ever so slowly descended the main stairwell and ascended as a mist moments later.

A fascinating, and notable, location with a timeless history.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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