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The Haunted Craps Table At Caesars Palace | Las Vegas, Nevada | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

What really roams the Vegas strip after dark?

Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada, is a Roman themed casino and luxury hotel resort which sits between The Mirage and The Bellagio.

The hotel is one of the largest on the Las Vegas strip featuring over three thousand rooms, six magnificent towers and its own shopping mall.

Established in 1966 by Stanley Malcolm and Jay Sarno who wanted to give guests an idea of what life was like during the Roman Empire.

In 2017 ownership was transferred to Vichy Properties who later returned the enterprise back to Caesars Entertainment.

Caesars Palace is speculated as being actively haunted, with a whole array of reported encounters. Visitors have described objects moving unaided, extreme cold spots, faucets spontaneously turning on and off and capturing creepy unexplained entities on family photographs taken at the venue.

Allegedly, there is one specific craps table which has garnered much attention.

Many believe the table to be cursed, haunted, or something else unexplainable, when it paid out consistent winnings for thirteen months straight and is often surrounded by inexplicable light anomalies.

Staff and maintenance workers have shared experiences of doors opening on their own, chilling disembodied whispers and full spectrum apparitions walking amidst the commotion of the living within the casino floor.

Caesars Palace is open today offering a range of services. 

Are you ready to take your chances in Vegas?

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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