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The Haunting of Brittany Hall New York University | Little Ghost Girl Elevator Tragedy | Greenwich New York | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The City that never sleeps...

Brittany Hall, Greenwich Village, New York University, is reportedly haunted by multiple active spirits including a little ghost girl who lost her life here during a catastrophic accident.

The University is part of the Washington State Park site, which is built over old burial grounds containing over 20,000 bodies. So it comes as no surprise to discover that students here continuously report 'creepy supernatural' experiences.

The building is renowned for its paranormal activity. Here are just a few student claims:

'I woke up in my dorm in the middle of the night to find like pale figure standing next to my bed. I thought it was my room mate but then I realised my room mate was already sleeping on the other bed, this thing just lay there staring at me. I have heard it is dangerous to interact with ghosts so just ignored it and did my best to go back to sleep'.

'I had been hearing strange noises at night and felt weirdly uncomfortable. One night I heard the door creak open, then all the wall lights turned on which was bizarre as I had unplugged them earlier. A few nights later my photographs had been ripped from my wall, it's not like they fell, they were forcefully ripped off'.

'One night I was awoken due to a heavy pressure like someone was sitting on my chest. Even though I was terrified to open my eyes I did anyway. I saw an apparition of a little girl with blonde wringlets hovering directly above me. She giggled then disappeared. I couldn't move and held my breath the whole time. I did not sleep that night'.

Could this have been the spirit of the little elevator girl residually haunting the dorms today?

Others have reported the odour of sulphur, usually linked with spirit presence, around 3am, the very hour that the supernatural veil becomes thin and fragile, allowing spirits to enter our realm.

During initial construction of the building over ninety years ago, this little girl was playing with her dolls in the hallways dangerously close to the elevators. She lost her balance and fell to her death down one the elevator shafts. The mystery of it all is, her body was never found, leaving many to speculate that she did not cross over to the spirit realm and roams this site today.

Many students and faculty believe this little girl is responsible for violently shaking the very elevator she lost her life in, which frequently stops and starts and is known to become stuck between floors. The other elevators seem to operate just fine.

Even the skeptics here have confessed 'whilst we are not believers, or superstitious, we do believe that something strange and unexplained is going on here'. There are over 500 freshmen here and a high volume of those students are all reporting the same phenomena.

If you are a paranormal enthusiast, and about to enrol in a University, we think Brittany Hall has you covered.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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