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The Hufflepuff Hauntings | The Mishler Theater | Blair County, Pennsylvania | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

The Mishler Theater in Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania, was built in 1906 by Isaac Charles Mishler.

Just nine months later, the theater succumbed to a massive fire but was restored to its former glory and reopened soon after.

During 1965 the building narrowly escaped demolition and is open today hosting events, plays and concerts.

This notably historic venue is known for its creepy foreboding atmosphere. There is something going on behind the walls, but what?

The building is believed haunted by original owner, Isaac Mishler. Mishlers apparition has been seen speedily crossing the stage, or lingering in his old office, accompanied by the potent aroma of cigar smoke.

Staff report unexplainable electrical malfunction, scratching sounds and sudden mysterious plumes of smoke manifesting throughout the auditorium, not dissimilar to a magical Harry Potter spell scene, leaving many onlookers astonished. This phenomena has been nicknamed the Hufflepuff.

Shadowy apparitions are frequently seen ominously, and silently, floating amidst the balcony seats.

Could these be the spirits of actors, who are no longer with us, residually haunting the stage they so thrived upon in life?

What do you think?

Is Isaac Mishler responsible for the strange phenomena occurring at this fascinating location today?

Or could there really be magic in the air?

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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