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The Italian Ghosts | Rome Italy | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | Rome | BoiCGH

Rome is one of the most historic lands in all the world and, as such, has acquired countless tales of hauntings and unexplained phenomena throughout the ages.

Ruins which, although abandoned, still maintain that regal air of honor laced with intrigue mystery.

So we have put together two of Italys most haunted locations for you to enjoy.

1) Spirit of Musician At The Violin House

The Violin House in Rome, Italy, was home to a young musician who loved to play the violin.

The musician sadly passed away and the home remained empty for some years afterwards.

This ornate, now abandoned, Italian Villa now stands but a shadow of its former self.

Many have named the home 'the ghost villa' and those who have dared venture inside have reported hearing the melodic sounds of a violin playing hauntingly throughout rooms, accompanied by mysterious moaning sounds.

This has to be Romes most prominent residually haunted location.

2) The Inappropriate Ghost At Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona is a truly beautiful town square location which showcases ornate fountains and original Romanesque statues.

This location is also home to what locals have nicknamed 'the cheeky ghost', an extremely mischievous ghost.

This spirit is believed to have been the wife of an Emperor who was executed for out of control promiscuous behavior and sexual activity.

It would seem her antics have continued into the afterlife as she is known to inappropriately pinch passing tourists, specifically younger males, and visitors to the square today.

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*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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