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The Lady Enjoys The Darkness | Captain Tonys Saloon | Key West Florida | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Captain Tonys Saloon located in Key West, Florida, is an old school style pub often frequented by celebrities and was a favorite hang out with Ernest Hemmingway, Harry Truman, John F Kennedy, Robert DeNiro and Sean Connery.

Their names are painted on bar stools which are displayed at the bar today.

During the 1890s the building was used as a morgue and later as telegraph communication station. In 1933 the venue was purchased by Josie Russell who named it Sloppy Joes Bar and later Captain Tonys Saloon.

This bar is built atop a historic public hanging site and it is said the spirits of all those executed here still linger here today.

Staff report an array of paranormal activity including extreme cold spots and terrifying encounters with shadow figures.

One popular local tale tells how a young woman carrying her young baby was searching for her husband around the saloons here years ago. She found him, drunk and in the arms of another woman.

The woman went into the ladies rest rooms and killed their baby. Many visitors today describe the eery crying sounds of a baby emanating from the ladies rooms today.

The most prominent and famous haunting here is known as the Lady In Blue. A beautiful young girl named Elvira from this area who was married off to an abusive older man. Elvira later killed him in defense whilst he was attacking her.

Elvira was buried on the land outside, along with around twenty other locals who had been publicly hanged here. She has been seen to manifest wearing a long blue dress and residually haunts the bar area, now known as The Lady In Blue.

Disembodied footsteps, flickering lights which sometimes leave guests sitting in complete darkness.

Does the Lady prefer the dark?

Makes you wonder.

If the lights begin to flicker you might want to exit fast.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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