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The Ghost Town | The Most Haunted Town In Pennsylvania | Centralia, Pennsylvania | Paranormal | Historical | Haunted | America | BoiCGH

Centralia, Pennsylvania, was once a thriving coal mining town, purchased from natives, by colonials, during the 18th century.

In 1841 the town was named Bowls Head, coal mines began operating throughout the area. In 1866 was incorporated as the ‘Borough of Centralia’.

In 1962 the boroughs council decided the best way to clean up the landfills before Memorial Day in honor of Centralia, was to ignite a small fire which would clean up the coal mining pits.

Unbeknown to them, the fire had horrifically seeped into the mining tunnels, like a slow but sure poison.

Families began to complain of the smell of burning and United States Government ordered people leave the town as buildings, animals and homes were swallowed up by sink holes caused by the simmering underground furnace.

Attempts to extinguish this legendary fire are still ongoing today.

Sections of the mines began collapsing  and in 1921, a 12 year old boy fell into a sink hole, and was amazingly pulled back out, narrowly escaping the grasp of death.

In 1984 most inhabitants had moved away due to fear and extreme health and safety concerns.

Today Centralias roads are sunken, with many smouldering canyons. It is believed there are still fires silently burning under the ground, like a deadly virus, just waiting to see whom it can devour.

Although today Centralia is a beautiful scenic town, many who venture here claim it to be extremely haunted.

Its overgrown abandoned streets host a wide range of mysterious phenomena including glowing yellow orbs believed to be the hats of ghostly miners, as they work in sync, albeit supernaturally.

Strange misty creatures and dark menacing shadows are frequently seen loitering amidst the few buildings that did survive.

Centralia certainly has earned the name The Ghost Town, derelict buildings, communities long gone, smoke rising from its ashes.

It is a fact that the effects of carbon monoxide may induce hallucinations and altered perception.

But what do you think, is seeing really believing?

Are visitors today truly witnessing the paranormal in Centralia, Pennsylvania?

As always, I would love to hear your comments below.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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