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The Parallel Realm At Corpus Christi | Texas | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

Corpus Christi is also known as The Sparkling City by The Sea.

When the sun goes down and the moon illuminates the sky, the ghosts come out and roam downtown Corpus Christi.

This area is known as a dynamic hub stimulating much interest in the arts and inspiring a whole array of entertainment.

But did you know it is also renowned for its many haunted locations, so much so that locals are convinced they are sharing their towns with spectres looking in?

One storekeeper stated "Oh the ghosts are definitely here. It's almost as if another realm is running parallel, and sometimes we catch a glimpse of them".

Or maybe they are watching us?

Here are just a few known locations known for their paranormal activities.


During the daylight hours this park is a colorful and vibrant venue.

However, once night falls, many visitors report sighting full spectrum apparitions and even capture shots of them on mobile phones.

Spirits of children who died from yellowfever are often encountered here.

One visitor screamed out "oh my gosh i just saw a transparent child run by!"

There are many historical buildings allegedly haunted by spirits from the towns past. Maybe these entities are somehow linked with the haunting tales revealing the towns fascinating connections with Texas.

From creepy sightings of pioneers, farmers, soldiers and prisoners, this is truly a spinetingling place.


This building located on Leopard Street is a known hotspot for paranormal enthusiasts and is known for its flying light anomalies and chilling EVPs (electronic voice phenomena).

Today passers by report the clear movement and rattlings of the surrounding chainlink fence and supernatural children running by who disappear as mists.

In 1919 a devastating storm hit the town and many tried to reach the courthouse which was being used as a safehaven due to its solid construction. Many lives were lost as families succumbed to the elements.

Could we be witnessing those unfortunate souls today?

Are those children the very victims of the 1919 storm?


This theater is known for its dark energy and malevolent menacing presences who have been known to specifically affect female audience members.

From hair pulling to firm ankle grabbing, many females have told how they felt extremely oppressed whilst at this venue.


There are rumors that restaurants in Corpus Christi not only feed the living but to 'cater to the dead'.

Roosevelts Restaurant in Port Aransas has charmed guests since 1857 and we have a feeling some of the folks from that era have stayed here in spirit.

This place was a favorite eatery with Union soldiers during the Civil War, which would explain the sightings of uniformed officers patrolling the perimeters.

A truly wonderful fine dining experience but beware as after hours often brings about much phenomena.

Staff often report someone calling out their name when alone, ghostly children have been seen literally dining amongst the living sat at a table all of their own.


Old Bay View, Hebrew Rest, Holy Cross and Rose Hill Cemetery are all amongst the oldest, non segregated, federal cemetaries in the State of Texas with some notable individuals buried here and many great tales which are often disclosed during local walking tours.

Corpus Christi is a historically rich place with a mysterious past and 'haunting presence'.

*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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