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The Paulding Light Phenomena | Ghostly Railroad Worker Holds Glowing Warning Lantern | Robins Pond Road Railway | Paulding, Michigan | Paranormal | Historical | Haunting | America | BoiCGH

From quaint homes hosting some eye opening phenomena, to sprawling condos haunted by lingering residents.

Michigan is drenched in history, tales of old and abandoned sites filled with lurking entities.

Have you heard The Paulding Light tale?

This a famous folklore legend surrounding Robins Pond Road Railway in Paulding, Michigan, often disputed as being a genuine haunting due to the sheer volume of reported eye witness accounts.

The Paulding Light is the apparition of an old railway brakeman worker, who died on this very railroad. His spirit is destined to remain forever, at the sight of his untimely death. 

The ghostly spectre patrols the signal lines waving a lantern as if warning all who come here, its light gently floats through the air.

Is this time old railworker wanting to prevent further suffering, such as possible railway accidents, the fate he himself experienced here?

To observe this astounding phenomena it is suggested visitors park at the forest edge and face northwards as the entity has been seen to manifest along the power line (right-of-way).

Groups have been known to gather here nightly in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the spirit and the golden glow of the warning lantern.

This phenomena has been encountered since the 1960s.

Many researchers have stated that attempting to investigate the mysterious light has proved impossible as, when approached it disappears into the night mists.

Surely, we must consider, that not all spirits are bad, some are simply here to warn, to comfort, to assist the living.

What do you think?

Are all spirits equal?

Do some entities visit us with good intentions?


*All properties require prior authorization and permission to investigate.  Boise City Ghost Hunters DOES NOT investigate cemeteries.*

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